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The Global Platform for
Legal Horizon Scanning and Regulatory Knowledge Management

Your Legal Radar

powered by AI

AI-supported features you need to navigate the complex Legal Universe

LEX AI is a global and easy to use SaaS platform for legal professionals who need to stay on top of the constantly increasing complexity of legal and regulatory developments

LEX AI is a global and easy to use SaaS platform for legal professionals who need to stay on top of the constantly increasing complexity of legal and regulatory developments

LEX AI is connecting the dots...
A new way of navigating the Regulatory Universe

LEX AI provides a new way of navigating the highly complex global legal and regulatory landscape. 

Thousands of news and upcoming regulations - every week - require a new approach for legal horizon scanning and the way to organize and enrich data.

LEX AI provides a new way of navigating the highly complex global legal and regulatory landscape.   Thousands of news and upcoming regulations - every week - require a new approach for legal horizon scanning and the way to organize and enrich data.

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